Monday, April 5, 2010

Warning: Spam and Nonsense.

This post is not a what I did what on which day kind of blog. It's just a post about anything mostly. It's my spam post just like all my other posts.

In other words, you're not going to learn anything about me from this post... except the fact that I can talk about nonsense for a very long time... but you should already know that. Example would be now, I haven't even start the introduction to my point for the blog, yet. And yes, I am just stalling for time because like I've said above, this post is just going to be a spam.

I just need a place to spam, and let me talk about nonsense... so if you don't want to read some random guy spamming, don't read this post anymore. I just have a lot on my mind, and although I don't need a place to talk about it, I DO need a place to just let out my.... i guess the closest word is stress? It's a form of stress, but not the stress that most people experience. My stress is not from school work, relationship, family... or anything of the sort. It's more of a stress that there are so many things I need to think about and remember, and I am afraid that I am going to forget one of them. You know... "Oh No, what if I forget" kind of stress... Yea, life's complicated like that.

Speaking of complicated life... .... I'm gonna put that on a separate post because I can sense a deep post coming. Woah, I sure cut this post pretty short. Haha

~Daniel Chou

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