Thursday, February 18, 2010

Game Review - Silent Hill Homecoming

Went to Atsushi's house to FINALLY test my PS3. The reason why I really need to find a way to play my PS3 is because I want to test it. It's not a first hand PS3; it might not work properly or something. There's only one way to test a PS3, to play the PS3. =]

First, I took out my Tales of the Abyss because I really missed that game -- all time favourite =]. I remembered that I don't have my memory card(for PS2)... then I found out even if I had the memory card, it's useless. I need some kind of adapter to transfer my PS2 memory card stuff to PS3, which costs around $20. Right now, I can barely afford a piece of bread, so spending $20 on an adapter is definitely out of the question.

I ended up playing Silent Hill Homecoming: a game which I have been looking forward to.

Before I start talking about the game, I'd just like to say that I'm really scared of horror genre. It doesn't matter if it's movie or game; I'm just so deathly scared of them. I think it's because I played Residence Evil 4 on the gamecube when I was in grade 4. That really scarred me for a long time. I thought I challenge myself into play this game, but it was kind of a disappointment.

I started the game... kinda scared, but I wasn't alone(Atsushi's with me), so it's better. After I got used to the controls(and turning the brightness to max LOL) I started exploring. This is where I get really frustrated and disappointed.

I'm in a room with around 4 doors where 3 of them are locked/jammed. In other words, you can't open it. Why have the doors there if all it's there for is "It's locked", "It's jammed". I understand if there are a few doors that are like that, but when the ratio of openable doors and inoperable doors are like 1:10... something is really wrong.

I didn't played for very long, but the story is kind of annoying, too. I risked my life in the 'Silent Hill' chasing after this boy named Joshua who doesn't even like getting rescued or anything. He seems to like Silent hill a lot... and since all the nurses doesn't seem to attack Joshua(only attacking me), I'd just let him stay in the 'Silent Hill' and leave. The story is stupid. The intro doesn't make sense. Why would the nurse push him(the main character) into this operation room and leave him there when the nurse can just kill him because he's all tied up. Way too many flaws.

I ended up being more frustrated than scared. I spend 10 minutes finding the right door to advance the story line, and the cutscene is like 2 minutes. Then I have to spend another 10 minutes finding the right door to another 2 minutes cutscene. WOW SO FUN!!!

I might change my mind about the game if I play more of the game, but my First Impression of it is really bad(not like scary bad, but like bad bad). I don't really feel like playing more and finding out the rest of the story. What if it still sucks, then I'd be wasting my time...

Why would Konami make the beginning suck so much that people doesn't want to continue playing it anymore...? Good job =__=

I rate this game a 2/10(as of now, but it probably won't change because I don't feel like playing more of it). 1 point for graphic, and 1 point for the 'Silent Hill' series.

super disappointed.

~Daniel Chou

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