Monday, January 11, 2010

Another Monday....

I hate Mondays. In fact, I hate any day when my schedule for the day has the word 'school' in it. So yea, I showered after I got up (the bloody shower), and got ready for class. I was going to be nice and all (plus I'm thirsty and I need to spend my meal plan money), so I went into my cafeteria and bought orange and apple juice. One for me, and one for my friend, Atsushi, who has the morning class with me. Then I head to class.

So 5 minutes before class started, I texted him because he wasn't there. I thought he overslept or something, but I got no reply. Just when I was about to phone, the professor started the lecture, so I just texted him one more time. Then lecture went on. The story doesn't end here, but I blog by chronological order, so the bits about the lecture goes first.

Yea, lecture... I can say that this class is one of the top 5 most boring class I've been to. Last class, we spent ONE HOUR(the whole class) coding ONE SIMPLE code that I could've coded in 3 minutes. Yes, she spent 1 whole hour coding that crap. What's worse is that the last before that she spent another hour going over HOW SHE'S GOING TO CODE THAT CODE that she coded LAST CLASS.

I thought that was all over, and we're going to learn something new... or at least something different. Oh man, was I wrong... This week, she started out by going "So, last class, we coded ...... and it's not very efficient. Can anyone tell me a more efficient way of coding this?". In my head, I'm going "Don't tell me she's going to code it like how I would've coded two classes ago." and I was right. She then spent another hour(the whole class) coding and comparing the two codes that I could've done 3 class ago. Woot! FUN!!!!!

Good thing that was all over with, and back to the story of the ditcher =](joking XD). We have the next class together also, so I phoned him to make sure he's alive and all, but nobody picked up. I phoned many times, too. Class ended and I went back to my residence(after buying lunch). Time passed... (because nothing is worth talking about during this time period, unless you want to know what I ate for lunch =__=)

At around 5pm, guess who Skype-ed me. Atsushi. He was awake, but studying. (He has a math test in two days). I understand, but he could've texted back telling me that he needs to study or something. The feeling of getting no reply hurts. Thanks a lot!! D: (Joking XD)

It's all good now. =]

Here's a surprise link for you all:

~Daniel Chou




  2. This blog was more for... other purposes. not so much entertainment. XD
