Friday, January 29, 2010

Some quick things I forgot to blog about.

The Shiny-glittery cover

1. Pokemon: I asked Atsushi to buy me ten volumes of my favourite manga ポケットモンスター Special(the Japanese version) like... back in November, and I finally got it recently because I keep forgetting to get it when I go to his house, and he keeps forgetting to bring it when he comes to mine. I just like to point out that the Japanese and the Chinese version of the manga(Yes, I own both) has a really big difference. The cover of the Japanese version is a lot smoother and shinier than the Chinese version; it's like of like adding the 'glitter' feel when printing photos. The paper that the Japanese version used is a lot better, too. It's a lot softer, so it feels better when I turn the page. The Chinese version for the paper is not bad, too -- they just went for the 'sturdy' kind. You know... thick...

Since I'm talking about Manga qualities, I'm just gonna bash a little about the English manga, and when I said a little, I meant a lot. English version SUCKS. First of all, unlike the Japanese and the Chinese version, there is no protective covering for the manga. If you don't know what a protective covering is... (I really hope you do), look at the picture below. The paper the English manga uses, it's like recycled paper or something -- so ugly and rough. Don't even get me started on the translations, but good thing it's not dubbing...
The Legendary protective cover.

2. Birthday: Atsushi's birthday was last week, and I gave him a present just recently because stuff happened (blames on the birthday boy, or should I say man since he's legally an adult now). I bought him Katamari Forever on the PS3. If you don't know what Katamari is, you're missing out. It's a really popular series in Japan where the Prince of all cosmos rolls a tiny ball picking up everything it rolled through. From candy to pencils, from cats to humans, from schools to bridges, and even from stars to planets, our little prince rolls them all up! What's the objective you say? You have to roll your ball to a certain size within a time limit, and the King of all cosmos will grade you on your performance. The amount of things, the different kind of things, and such. The little ball that you rolled up will be then turned into 'something' that will let you advance into the story. Pretty addicting if you ask me. Hope you enjoy your present, Atsushi(I know you'll read this someday :P)

Katamari Forever on the PS3

3. Doctor Who: I watched Doctor Who, the animated series(two of the episodes) today, and it was quite interesting. I don't really know how to explain it, and I won't since none of my blog readers actually watch Doctor Who. Still, I want to just talk about it a little. By a little, I really mean a little, so I will end it now.

4. Youtube: I have an idea for my next youtube video, and I will start filming it soon once I finalize my plan. 'Course I'll blog about it when I upload it, so look forward to it!!

5. Music/Video of the day: Today's music of the day is the opening from Tales of Eternia the animation. It's called '空にかける端' (Sora ni kakeru hashi). It's really nothing special; it just brings back a lot of memories of when I watched the anime. The anime is not even that good, too. I still like the song and such though =]!

Video of day is by WongFuProductions, a channel on Youtube. Video's called 'Yellow Fever'. It's not really a video, but like a short film. I know it's pretty long, but it's pretty funny and has pretty good message behind it.

The corner of Treasure/Junk

By the way, this is what's happening to my bed. I am running out of room to sleep on. Haha

That's all I can think of for the moment, that's all. Bye!
~Daniel Chou

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