Friday, January 15, 2010

Rant - Interlag & residence. (reader discretion is advised)

I hate my residence's internet so much no words could describe my hatred. If it's not one thing it's another.

All internet lag, fine, I understand that. Actually, let me rephrase it. All WIRELESS internet lags sometimes. But you know what? I am using a freaking ETHERNET CORD - CONNECTING MY COMPUTER TO THE INTERNET DIRECTLY WITH WIRES!!! If they're going to force us to use ethernet cords that NOBODY uses anymore, which, by the way, wasn't provided for us, THEN THEY BETTER MAKE THE CONNECTION GOOD. I mean, who uses ethernet cords anymore? Those are only used for modems, and that's it. You know how a laptop loses their "portable" function if it's wired like this? It's like a leashed dog, or a bondaged person. If they're going to NOT allow my own wireless connection, restricting us to ONLY the ethernet cord, then it's their fucking responsibility to make sure the connection is stable. Fuck you residence.

I wouldn't be this angry if it's just lags all the time, but you know what, sometimes it just disconnects. Yup, just sudden POOSH, no more internet. If it's just once a month, fine. Whatever. I understand internet might go wrong sometimes, but this is ridiculous. The disconnecting rate is like once a week. What if I have an important homework I need to submit? What if I am talking to someone about something very important? and POOSH! Internet's gone! Are they going to pay for the fucking damage? No! because you know what? Their residence contract states...

"University College and the University of Toronto cannot guarantee that the Resident’s system will be able to access the Network. It is the Resident’s responsibility to acquire the appropriate hardware and software for this. University College and the University of Toronto are not responsible for damages and/or losses to the Resident’s equipment and data. There may be planned or unplanned Ethernet outages. Planned outages will be advertised in advance. "

Wow, what the fuck is all this crap? So even if they ruined my life, they're not going to pay or anything? They're not going to take responsibility for it? Really, fuck you residence.

Since I'm complaining so much about residence already, let me quickly remind you of all the other things I hate about this place. Food, Noise, Washroom. My conclusion? Here it is.

REALLY? I PAID FUCKING TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ON RESIDENCE TO GO THROUGH THIS? REALLY? I rather live in a hotel for a YEAR. It's probably cheaper than this, and I get my own washroom. I won't have fucking noisy people running around screaming, booming their music at THREE IN THE MORNING. Oh, and you know what? The quiet hours for MY FUCKING COLLEGE IS TWO IN THE MORNING. Yea, SERIOUSLY? Is that an act to promote GOOD STUDENT BEHAVIOUR? I THINK NOT. That's basically inviting them to party every night. What about the people(like me), who doesn't want to be annoying by those fucking retards. FUCK.

Please excuse my language and have a nice day =]
~Daniel Chou




  2. Q uQ;;; Yeah, U of T really sucks regarding that stuff...*has heard from Kristie about how sucky it is* Gar! > w<

    I noticed that universities are such money-grabbing, cheap butts! >O
